Se la Gran Bretagna si prepara a festeggiare con mostre e celebrazioni i 60 anni di regno della regina Elisabetta II, anche l'Italia non è da meno, per l'occasione, è stato allestito un temporary store presso la Rinascente Duomo a Milano chiamato I GIOIELLI DELLA REGINA.
Un evento che ha lo scopo di valorizzare la creatività del Regno Unito, organizzato dal Consolato Generale Britannico di Milano e da UK Trade& Investment.
Collane, orecchini, anelli firmati da stiliste come Vivienne Westwood, Jenny Packham (una delle stiliste inglesi più famose e una delle preferite da Kate Middleton), Nicole Farhi, Maria Francesca Pepe (stilista italiana trasferita in Inghilterra), Katie Rowland...
Pezzi di design e gioielli-scultura, in vendita dal 1 giugno con prezzi molto variabili, il più accessibile, un anello da 55 Euro, la più costosa una collana da 612 Euro.
Per maggiori informazioni potete visitare il sito
If Britain
is preparing to celebrate with exhibitions and celebrations of the 60-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II, also
Italy is no
exception, for the occasion, was set up a temporary store at the Rinascente Duomo in Milan called The JEWELS OF THE QUEEN.
An event that aims to enhance the creativity of the United Kingdom, organized by the British Consulate General in Milan and from UK Trade & Investment.
Necklaces, earrings, rings designed by designers such as Vivienne Westwood, Jenny Packham (one of Britain's most famous designers and a favorite of Kate Middleton), Nicole Farhi, Maria Francesca Pepe (Italian designer moved to England), Katie Rowland and many others
Pieces of jewelry design and sculpture, on sale from 1 June with very variable prices, the most accessible, a ring of 55 Euro, the most expensive necklace from 612 Euros.
For more information please visit
An event that aims to enhance the creativity of the United Kingdom, organized by the British Consulate General in Milan and from UK Trade & Investment.
Necklaces, earrings, rings designed by designers such as Vivienne Westwood, Jenny Packham (one of Britain's most famous designers and a favorite of Kate Middleton), Nicole Farhi, Maria Francesca Pepe (Italian designer moved to England), Katie Rowland and many others
Pieces of jewelry design and sculpture, on sale from 1 June with very variable prices, the most accessible, a ring of 55 Euro, the most expensive necklace from 612 Euros.
For more information please visit