martedì 3 maggio 2016


cosa visitare a tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

Cosmopolita, centro nevralgico dell'attività politica, economica e culturale del Giappone; Tokyo, città vivace ed energetica è in grado di offrire esperienze uniche.
Dove passato e presente si incontrano, dove natura e cemento convivono in sintonia.
Grattacieli immensi e panorami mozzafiato offrono di giorno e di notte viste emozionanti.

Cosmopolitan the nerve center of political, economic and cultural life of Japan; Tokyo, bustling and energetic city is able to offer unique experiences.
Where past and present meet, where nature and cement coexist in harmony.
Skyscrapers immense and breathtaking views offer both day and night exciting views.

vista hotel new otani tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

A Tokyo, si può godere di tutto. Si possono ammirare fantastiche opere d'arte,  si può cedere alla tentazione di fare lo shopping più sfrenato nei negozi più belli del mondo e si possono degustare i cibi più insoliti nei locali più strani e divertenti: immaginabili!

In Tokyo, you can enjoy everything. You can admire the fantastic artwork, you may be tempted to do the a shopping spree in the best shops in the world and you can taste the most unusual foods in the strangest local and fun: imaginable!

cibo essiccato giappone tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

cibo essiccato giappone tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym
Cibi per noi occidentali stani

dolci hello kitty mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

Hello Kitty, una vera e propria passione per il popolo Nipponico. Dai dolci ai cosmetici è Hello Kitty Mania!!

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

Tra uffici, negozi ed il traffico metropolitano, tra signore intente nel loro shopping e uomini d'affari, capita di  imbatterti in una scolaresca in gita, con le loro divise: calzoncini per i maschietti e gonnellina a pieghe per le bambine. Insolito per noi italiani.  La bellezza e simpatia di questi bambini non ha eguali.

Among offices, shops and the city trafficbetween busy ladies in their shopping and business people, happen to come across a school field trip, with their uniforms: shorts for boys and pleated skirt for girls. Unusual for us Italians. The beauty and friendliness of these children has no equal.

7 crayon chocolate ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

7 crayon chocolate ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

bar tokyo cibo esposto nelle vetrine dei bar e ristoranti di tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym
E' consuetudine a Tokyo che bar e ristoranti espongano cibi che si andranno a degustare proposti 

Oggi, un viaggio fotografico a GINZA, ricco ed elegante quartiere, sede di uffici di aziende  prestigiose  e dei negozi più lussuosi del mondo.

Today, a photo trip to GINZA, rich and elegant neighborhood, home to offices of prestigious firms and the most luxurious shops of the world.

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

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mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

Impossibile non rimanerne affascinati. Impossibile, non scattare una quantità inimmaginabile di fotografie! Ogni angolo, edificio, rumore o persona, cattura la tua attenzione.

Impossible not to be charmed. Could not shoot an unimaginable amount of photos! Every nook, building, noise or person, capture your attention.

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negozio moncler ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

negozi ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

mikimoto ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

grattacieli di ginza mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

ginza neighborhood mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

quartiere ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo ginza neighborhood  travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

quartiere ginza tokyo mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym  ginza neighborhood

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

mariafelicia magno fashion blogger viaggio a tokyo cosa visitare a tokyo quartiere ginza tokyo travel blog travel blogger life style blogger trip in japan what visit in japan what visit in tokyo tokyo by day ginza day color block by felym

5 commenti:

  1. Thank you for taking us on this amazing trip to Japan. I would love to visit this country. Tokyo is a stunning city and I'm sure it offers many lovely places to exlore! Your outfit is fantastic, that red jacket looks great on you.

  2. Tokyo seems to be an amazing town. Thank you or sharing tha trip.

  3. how cool! i have always wanted to go there!!

  4. I am jealous!!!:) Amazing trip and nice pictures!:) I hope that also I will visit Japan in the future. Kisses;*** (I follow you!:)0
