
mercoledì 27 dicembre 2017


There are very few days remaining ... you have already decided what to wear ??
Glitter or sequins? Red or black dress?
In indecision, in  internet looking for something special and not too expensive, I discovered a new e-commerce  that I did not know and I immediately thought of sharing it with you ..



What to wear on New Year' s Eve?? 
Hamlet doubt, I know ..

I found a wide selection of clothes for all tastes in the  section fashion dresses for women

From the classic tight black mini dress, to the see-through mini-dress with lace and necklines up to the must-have with embroidery.
To be different from the usual, why not opt for a Burgundy dress instead of the classic red?

Mancano pochissimi giorni alla fine dell'anno...avete già deciso cosa indossare??
Glitter o paillettes? Abito rosso o nero?
Nell'indecisione, navigando in internet alla ricerca di qualcosa di particolare e non troppo costoso, ho scoperto un nuovissimo e commerce che non conoscevo ed ho pensato subito di condividerlo con voi..

Cosa indossare a Capodanno??

Dubbio amletico, lo so..

Ho trovato un'ampia selezione di vestitini per tutti i gusti nella sezione FASHION DRESSES FOR WOMEN
Dal classico mini dress nero aderente, a quello see through con pizzi e scollature fino ad arrivare al must have con i ricami.
Per essere diverse dal solito, perché non optare per un abito Burgundy al posto del classico rosso?

Se non amate abitini nella sezione LATEST WOMEN CUTE TOPS potrete trovare tantissimi top eleganti e sexy in pizzo o in eco pelle da abbinare a jeans, pantaloni palazzo o culotte. Se  la vostra serata sarà più casual e rilassata e passerete l'ultimo dell'anno a casa di amici, in questa sezione troverete maglioni caldi ed avvolgenti.

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you can find it here

cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
you can buy it here

cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
find it here
cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
buy it here

come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno come vestirsi a capodanno cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
buy it here

come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno come vestirsi a capodanno cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
buy it here

If you do not love dresses in theLATEST WOMEN CUTE TOPS section you can find many elegant and sexy tops in lace or in eco leather to match with jeans, palazzo pants or culottes. If your evening will be more casual and relaxed and you will spend the last year at a friend's house, in this section you will find warm and enveloping sweaters.

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find it here

come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno come vestirsi a capodanno cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
buy it here

come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno come vestirsi a capodanno cosa indossare a capodanno come vestirsi all'ultimo dell'anno cosa indossare all'ultimo dell'anno abiti neri per ultimo delll'anno mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym tendenze inverno 2017
buy it here


Tornare in forma dopo la gravidanza è certamente uno dei problemi che affligge la maggior parte delle donne, senza troppi sacrifici e conducendo una vita sana, facendo una leggera attività fisica magari lunghe passeggiate all'aria aperta, vi farà riacquistare la forma ottimale senza arrecarvi troppo stress
E' importante godervi i primi 40 giorni in tranquillità e senza sforzi, potrebbe compromettere la vostra salute e noi, non vogliamo di certo questo!
Se con il passare dei mesi la classica pancetta continua a farvi compagnia, una dieta leggera, qualche addominale e l'uso di lingerie adatta, potrà farvi tornare a sentirvi bene con voi stesse..

In commercio esistono fasce addominali o panciere che potranno aiutarvi a farvi indossare i vostri abiti preferiti che magari, avete nell'armadio da un pò..

Proprio di questo voglio parlarvi oggi..

Su YOYO GIRDLE potrete trovare l'accessorio che fa per voi, fasce elastiche, contenitive, di ogni colore e materiale, dai modelli più casual e basilari ai più complessi, realizzati in pizzo da indossare con abiti dalle ampie scollature.

come tornare in forma dopo la gravidanza

Getting back in shape after pregnancy is certainly one of the problems that most women suffer, without too many sacrifices and leading a healthy life, doing light physical activity maybe long walks in the open air, will make you regain the optimal form without causing too much stress
It is important to enjoy the first 40 days in peace and effort, it could compromise your health and we, we certainly do not want this!
If with the passing of the months the classic bacon continues to keep you company, a light diet, some abdominal and the use of appropriate lingerie, will make you feel good about yourself again ..

In the market there are so many postpartum belly wrap, postpartum girdle, best postpartum belt that can help you wear your favorite clothes that maybe, you have in the closet for a while ..

Precisely for this I want to talk to you today ..

On YOYO GIRDLE you can find the the BEST POST PREGNANCY GIRDLE accessory that suits you, elastic bands, containments, of any color and material, from the most casual and basic to the most complex models, made of lace to wear with dresses with wide necklines. POST PARTUM GIRDLE  

come tornare in forma dopo la gravidanza

come tornare in forma dopo la gravidanza

come tornare in forma dopo la gravidanza

sabato 23 dicembre 2017

Thinking of you

 NATALE luci, colori sapori e nostalgia..
Voglio recuperare tutto e anche di più.
Natale è momento di cambiamento e consapevolezza e se si vuole riavvicinamento..


venerdì 22 dicembre 2017


Siete alla ricerca del regalo perfetto?? Beh, questo post, non fa certo per voi..

Non voglio elencarvi regali per lui o regali per lei da fare all'ultimo minuto; bensì deliziarvi con idee originali su come incartare i vostri regali.

Fare pacchetti natalizi, nastri e biglietti di auguri, mette spesso in crisi.. Di seguito, una serie di immagini con idee per incartare i regali di Natale in modo originale, elegante e con un'anima green.

Anche la natura, può esserci di aiuto!

Are you looking for the perfect gift ?? Well, this post, it is not  for you ..

I do not want to list gifts for him or presents for her at the last minute; but to delight you with original ideas on how to wrap your gifts.

Making Christmas packages, ribbons and greeting cards, often puts in crisis .. Below, a series of images with ideas to wrap Christmas gifts in an original, elegant and with a green soul.

Even nature can help us!

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idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

vorrei che tu fossi il mio regalo di natale..aspetto un tuo sms, aspetto un sì.. ti raggiungo dove vuoi

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idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

idee per incartare i regali di natale idee originali per incartare i regali christmas wrapping how to wrap christmas gifts mariafelicia magno fashion blogger color block by felym

lunedì 18 dicembre 2017


outfit dicembre 2017 outfit maglione con giorno della settimana maglione zaful mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym ragazze bionde

Non postavo un nuovo outfit da molto, lo confesso.. Non potevo non scattare qualche foto con il maglione del momento... Quello che riporta la scritta con i giorni della settimana..
Un capo diventato un must ormai..lo vediamo su tutte le riviste e social.. Se le vostre finanze scarseggiano, fate come me, optate per la versione più economica acquistata su ZAFUL, caldissimo, comodo e.. effetto garantito..

I did not post a new outfit for a long time, I confess .. I could not take some pictures with the sweater of the moment ... The one that shows the writing with the days of the week ..

A garment that has become a must ... we see it on all magazines and social media .. If your finances are scarce, do as I do, opt for the cheaper version purchased on ZAFUL, cozy, comfortable and .. guaranteed effect ..

L'ho abbinato ad una gonna nera a pieghe e a comode slippers in velluto.

I paired it with a black pleated skirt and comfortable velvet slippers.

Mi sentivo SUNDAY il giorno dell'acquisto.. E voi, in che giorno della settimana vi identificate?

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outfit dicembre 2017 outfit maglione con giorno della settimana maglione zaful mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym ragazze bionde
Dimmi di sì..con un ago possiamo ricucire..ti raggiungo dove vuoi..

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outfit dicembre 2017 outfit maglione con giorno della settimana maglione zaful mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym ragazze bionde
Maglione/sweater  ZAFUL

mercoledì 22 novembre 2017


Zaful Black Friday! Credit cards at the ready!

This Friday is special, it's the BLACK FRIDAY (NOV. 24, 2017, are you already gearing up to overfill your shopping appetites? If you love a good style steal online retailer,  ZAFUL   will probably be the first port of call when shopping online. This year, Zaful Black Friday Sale( ) offers you: Even more insane deals than ever & The Big Sale last even longer! But before you hop into Zaful's Black Friday Sale(, do a research and plan wisely is a smart way to save more cash. Let's check out our A-to-Z guiding list and do things right!
Big Promotions(Nov. 24 - Nov. 29)

Be ready for the biggest discount of 2017. From (November 24th - November 29th), buy 3 and get 1 for free at Zaful's best seller list(! If that's not what you're looking for, we have our "New faves & New arrivals" zone standing by. Up to 50% OFF discounts are waiting to satiate your fashion needs!
Zaful Black Friday Carnival(Nov. 24 - Nov. 29)
Cutthroat price is the most common thing during Black Fridays( Who doesn't love cheap goods? From November 24th - November 29th, 3 different discounts: 20%/30%/40% will be marked on selected products!
  • 40% off select items on Nov. 24 & Nov. 27
  • 30% off select items on Nov. 25 & Nov. 28
  • 20% off select items on Nov. 26 & Nov. 29
Look carefully and memorize it by heart(or your cell phone).Don't mix up the time and lose your opportunity. That is to say: Set an alarm clock!

Shipping & Refund
2 days free standard shipping (24th & 27th ), 5 days free express shipping!( 24th - 29th )(Over $79)
From 24th - 29th you may refund by using self-service as well. Return warranty extended to 45 days. This is a service upgrade only for Black Friday.
Share Your Order To Get It Free! (Nov.24- Nov.29)
Getting freebie is easy. Screen-shot your order during ZAFUL BLACK FRIDAY & CYBER MONDAY. Share it on your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter with (#ZFfree) and tag (@zaful). 15 lucky winners will be chosen from all and will receive her/his full order cost to the original payment account! Let become the luckiest person this month among all your friends!
Win Free Gifts (Nov.27- Nov.29) & Gift Cards (Nov.24- Nov.26)
1) Once your shopping bag reaches $79 from November 27th to 29th, you can choose a secret gift! There are various selections to discover. No spoilers here, check it out yourself!
2)From November 24th to November 26th, 10 winners with the highest daily order amount wins themselves a gift card! Who will be the final winner? (The gift card value equals to 50% of the order price, up to $100.) 

Hope you find this guide helpful, but also be advised, this is just a bit, and there are more to discover, Zaful Black Friday sale( waiting for you to explore. Don’t miss this opportunity or you will have to wait for another year!


Rosegal Black Friday Sale 2017

Rosegal Black Friday deals are coming up. up to 85% Off with huge amount of discount coupons and system upgrades. This guide will help you save your precious time and more money. Please make sure reading this before beginning your shopping trip

Mystery Discount

Verify your E-mail to get a valuable coupon is a good deal. Use it during the Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale and save more of your hard earn money is what we hope to see. By submitting your E-mail, you are able to receive coupons up to 20% Off, and each can be used twice as well. (Nov.24~Nov.29). The coupon will be sent to your E-mail after November 21st. Don't miss it.

Welcome Gift For New Members (Nov.24~Nov.29)

From November 24th~ November 29th, every new sign-up members will receive a 20% Off coupon. When the time pass, it drops to 15%. This is the best opportunity to join us!

Play Lucky Draw

Rosegal Lucky Draw is now online. Use your Rosegal points to spin for gifts. Cost only 100 points for each spin, but the gifts are amazing. Have a try, cause why not?

Free Coupons Huge Giveaway (Nov.24~Nov.29)

Run out of coupon? Don't worry about it, we got you covered. From (Nov.24~ Nov.29), over 100000 valuable coupons will be given out daily. Including coupons for category / hot sale products and more.Be smart and collect them to your advantage. And make sure you don't forget to use them.

Best Prices & Best Deals Ever (Nov.24~Nov.26)

Discount up to 85% Off during Rosegal Black Friday Sale. The biggest sale of 2017. Use these codes down below for further cut price!

FRIDAY2020% Off for once. Only serve the first 200 members of each day. Be quick!
FRIDAY1818% Off for three times. Everyone could use it!
FRIDAY$5 OFF $49/ $15 OFF $99/ $35 OFF $199. No limit.

Also, remember to Use sitewide Code:RGVIPto enjoy another extra 12% Off and the BUY 1 GET 2 FREE zone (Pack of 3 Under $59). Explore and find your faves!

Service Upgrade

Free tracking over $30 and 45 days return warranty. You don't need to pay for the annoying tracking number anymore if you choose the flat rate shipping method and ordered over US$30. 45 days return warranty will as well improve our service.

Winning By Sharing


Last but not least, during (Nov.24~Nov.29), Shop in Rosegal and screenshot the order details might make you become the winner. Share the screenshot on Instagram or Facebook contest post with #RGBLACKFRIDAY. Rosegal will choose 3 random winners every day. Each winner will receive a $100 Gift Card. 


Dresslily Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale

Black Friday & Cyber Monday are the best sales day of the year, that's for sure. In order to celebrate the special day, Dresslily Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale ( provide some really awesome deals to all customers. To help you plan your Dresslily (, we've made this early peek guidelines to help you!

Up to 85% OFF Sale (Nov.24~Nov26)

That's right, up to 85% Off discount is what we're about to hand over. Early deals have already started, with the Countdown to Black Friday sale. Dresslily offers flash deals on various items, no matter you're a dress/men'swear lover, we got you covered! From November 24th ~ November 26th. credit card at the ready!(

Cyber Monday 90% Sale (Nov.27~Nov.29)

You think 85% Off is our limit? Well, we could push it even harder. From November 27th ~ 29th, up to 90% Off discount awaits. Be prepared!

Flexible Cancellation Policy

During Dresslily Black Friday Sale(, if your order hasn’t shipped in over 14 days.You can always cancel them. There's nothing to worry about.

More New Arrivals

 Over 2000 new arrivals( will be upload daily! Various choices for fashion lovers and best prices for the year. We are here to present you the best of the best. Best opportunity to explore your faves and collect them with the huge discount!

Coupons For The Win

Buy more & save more, Be smart by using Dresslily( coupon before ordering any item in your cart! Up to $24 Off? No problem!

Gift For All Members (Nov.24~ Nov.29)

Dresslily( made it this far because of your great support. From November 24th ~ 29th, all VIP customers will receive a surprise gift. And all new sign-ups get a 15% Off coupon. Don't forget to check your mailbox!

If you miss these huge discounts, you'll miss it for a year. Are you ready?