
martedì 12 marzo 2019


A volte ritornano..le borse in pvc sono il must-have della primavera estate 2019!

A dir la verità, non piacciono proprio a tutte.. Vogliamo davvero far vedere a tutti/e cosa abbiamo in borsa? Pe non parlare delle disordinate come me che le riempiono con fazzoletti e carte di caramelle e cioccolatini.
Non a caso vengono chiamate see through bag..
Perfette per chi contenere l'indispensabile: occhiali da sole, portafoglio ed il necessario per il trucco, il telefono no, quello, di solito lo teniamo in mano..
L'accessorio ideale da indossare in una giornata uggiosa, se colorate, danno un tocco di vitalità ad una giornata triste e poi, se bagnata, basta asciugarla e non c'è il rischio che si rovini..
Non so voi ma io evito accuratamente ed in modo maniacale di far bagnare la borsa quando piove.. Anche voi?

borse trasparenti borse in lvc tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym see through bag

Sometimes they come back ... pvc bags are the must-have for spring / summer 2019!

Actually, they don't like all of them .. Do we really want to show everyone / and what we have on the market? Don't talk about messy people like me filling them up with handkerchiefs and candy and chocolates cards.
Not by chance are called see through bags ..
Perfect for those who need the essentials: sunglasses, wallet and the need for makeup, the phone no, that, we usually keep it in hand ..
The ideal accessory to wear on a gloomy day, if colored, give a touch of vitality to a sad day and then, if wet, just dry it and there is no risk of it being ruined ..
I don't know about you but I avoid carefully and in a maniacal way to get the bag wet when it rains .. You too?

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

Borse in plastica trasparenti o colorate, ma quali sono i modelli più in voga?

Tote bag, secchielli e mini bag a tracolla.

Nella gallery i modelli più trendy ed alcune immagini di street style

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

tendenza borse in pvc tendenza borse trasparenti borse estate 2019 tendenza borse primavera estate 2019 see through bag how to wear see through bag outfit borse trasparente mariafelicia magno fashion blogger colorblock by felym fashion blogger italiane

6 commenti:

  1. Cool bags.

  2. bellissima tendenza!

  3. For all goal and reason, it is the regular clear plastic pack found in medical clinics all over the place. There are different plastics utilized, anyway, you can't differentiate by taking a gander at them. assignment writing service uk - assignmentsquare. PVC is considered by some to be an issue since synthetics called plasticizers can drain from the plastic and be recuperated from the IV liquid.

  4. I love this plastic bags, it looks so brand-new and fashionable. Although, it rises a problem of pollution and it can be a good addition to the problem solutions topics so far.
