Sapete che mare e piscina sono i nemici peggiori dei nostri capelli?
Nonostante il mare faccia tanto bene alle ossa e sia rigenerante per il nostro umore, ahimè, salsedine, vento e radiazioni uv stressano, sfibrano ed indeboliscono i nostri capelli ma niente paura, con qualche accorgimento, anche le nostre chiome, supereranno indenni il periodo estivo.
Parola d'ordine è PROTEZIONE!
Do you know that sea and pool are the worst enemies of our hair?
Although the sea does so much good to the bones and is regenerating for our mood, alas, saltiness, wind and UV radiation stress, weaken and weaken our hair but do not worry, with some changes, even our hair will surpass the summer period .
Password is PROTECTION!
Do you know that sea and pool are the worst enemies of our hair?
Although the sea does so much good to the bones and is regenerating for our mood, alas, saltiness, wind and UV radiation stress, weaken and weaken our hair but do not worry, with some changes, even our hair will surpass the summer period .
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Cercate di usare sempre un cappello ed un olio protettivo che creerà una barriera/filtro.
Lavate ogni volta che potete i capelli con acqua dolce, a casa non usate sempre lo shampoo ma cercate di usare a giorni alterni shampoo e balsamo.
Always try to use a hat and a protective oil that will create a barrier / filter.
Wash your hair whenever you can with fresh water, do not always use shampoo at home but try to use shampoo and conditioner every other day.
Always try to use a hat and a protective oil that will create a barrier / filter.
Wash your hair whenever you can with fresh water, do not always use shampoo at home but try to use shampoo and conditioner every other day.
Usate meno possibile phon e piastra, so che è difficile, io li uso sempre, ma gli esperti dicono che asciugarli in modo naturale li stressa meno.
Infine, fate una maschera una volta alla settimana.
Use as little as possible hair dryer and plate, I know it's hard, I always use them, but experts say that drying them in a natural way stresses them less.
Finally, make a mask once a week.
Use as little as possible hair dryer and plate, I know it's hard, I always use them, but experts say that drying them in a natural way stresses them less.
Finally, make a mask once a week.
Thanks for the helpful tips!
RispondiEliminaxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
wonderful review dear, thanks for sharing, xo