
lunedì 28 novembre 2022


Hello friends, I'm here to tell you about allies for us women, shapewear.

Yes, maybe for some it's a taboo, some feel ashamed to admit that they use these garments but I don't find anything wrong with it. Do you think that even the actresses and stars that we adore and cheer so much use them, so why shouldn't we use them too?

They help us feel better, make us wear clothes that sometimes we wouldn't even dream of wearing.. They're comfortable, snug and help us highlight our shapes in the right places.

I always like to be on the lookout for new products to share with you and today I want to tell you about, a site where you can buy we sell women's waist trainers and shapewear body suits online.

On line you can find an entire section dedicated to dress with built in shape wear

you can buy it here

I show you in detail the technology in which it is made. You can find it in many variations of colors and I find it a perfect dress to wear in this holiday season even on New Year's Eve .. what do you think? I LOVE THE PINK ONE.

Size from XS to 3XL I love it!

On line you can find also a section called short sleeve thong bodysuit

you can find it here

find them here

You can combine them with longuette skirts, mini or maxi and with pants and with a jacket you will be so chic and elegant and you can wear them also for a work appointment.

And finally a section called for backless bodysuit perfect for shaping your tummy and hips and having that wasp waist we all want.
The containment briefs allow you to have a perfect silhouette. 
They are available from Xs to 5XL.
The shaping briefs are comfortable and can be used every day. They help you give your buttocks the look you've always wanted.
You can buy them in black or powder.

click here to see more 

You will find many items at discounted prices and by registering you will always be updated on new products and promotions.
What do you think of these products? Do you use them too or have you never bought them?
with Christmas just around the corner, they could be a very welcome gift idea
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giovedì 17 novembre 2022


Continuiamo a parlare di tendenze per l'autunno 2022. Oggi, è la volta del maglione, protagonista della mezza stagione  e di quella fredda invernale.

Caldi, avvolgenti, furry, oversize o crop, le tendenze di stagione sono davvero tante.

Amiamo i maglioni perché possono essere indossati da mattina a sera in mille versioni casual chic, elegante o sporty.

Non può mancare il maglione dolcevita, aderente da indossare come sotto giacca o ampio e maxi da indossare abbinato a pantaloni o gonne midi.

Immancabile per la stagione il maglione  bianco panna a righe blu/ nere, lo stiamo vedendo indossato da tutte le influencer in questo momento.

Se amate il colore è il momento di osare con maglioni verde acido o nei toni del viola.

Per le più romantiche, la moda vuole  maglioni ricamati, traforati dalle maniche raglan a palloncino.

Io ho trovato una vasta scelta di maglioni su  RIHOAS brand nato nell'Agosto del 2021, che ho scoperto da poco dallo stile romantico retrò con un'occhio attento alle tendenze ma soprattutto alla sostenibilità, argomento molto caro a tutti in questo periodo.

Ho realizzato per voi una wishlist che sono sicura piacerà anche a voi che vi farà venire voglia di shopping..

Let's keep talking about trends for autumn 2022. Today, it's the turn of the sweater, the protagonist of the mid-season and the cold winter one.

Warm, enveloping, furry, oversized or cropped, there are so many seasonal trends.

We love sweaters because they can be worn from day to night in a thousand casual chic, elegant or sporty versions.

You cannot miss the turtleneck sweater, snug to wear under a jacket or loose and maxi to wear combined with midi trousers or skirts.

The creamy white sweater with blue / black stripes is a must for the season, we are seeing it worn by all the influencers right now.

If you love color, it's time to be daring with acid green or purple-toned sweaters.

For the more romantic, fashion calls for embroidered sweaters, perforated with balloon raglan sleeves.

I found a wide choice of sweaters on RIHOAS brand born in August 2021, which I recently discovered with a retro romantic style with an eye on trends but above all on sustainability, a topic very dear to everyone in this period.

I've created a wishlist for you that I'm sure you will like too and that will make you want to go shopping..

maglia rihoas marchio abbigliamento rihoas rihoas review

Scollo a cuore, che trasforma e dà un tocco di personalità ad un semplice maglione, ideale indossato di giorno con jeans e sneakers, perfetto di sera abbinato a pantaloni in pelle e stivaletti con tacco.

Sweetheart neckline, which transforms and gives a touch of personality to a simple sweater, ideal worn during the day with jeans and sneakers, perfect in the evening combined with leather trousers and heeled ankle boots.

maglia rihoas marchio abbigliamento rihoas rihoas review

you can buy it here

maglione collo a polo rihoas maglia a righe rihoas recensioni marchio rihoas
 you can find it here

maglia rihoas a righe maglia rihoas righe marinaro abbigliamento rihoas recensioni

buy it here

Il cardigan fluffy sta bene con tutto, colore deciso bottoni importanti.

cardigan fluffy rihoas abbigliamento rihoas recensioni abbigliamento rihoas
you can find more pics here

cardigan rihoas con fiori jacquard recensione abbigliamento rihoas
you can buy it here

Adoro i cardigan, da qualche stagione continuano ad essere protagonisti dei nostri look invernali, questo a fiori jacquard lo adoro.. 
Date un'occhiata on line, troverete tantissimi cardigan per tutte le occasioni.
Vi ricordo che alcuni capi sono scontati quindi, approfittatene..!
Aspetto i vostri commenti, sono curiosa di sapere se conoscevate già questo brand e quale capo vi è piaciuto di più..
Ci vediamo presto con il prossimo post review

I love cardigans, for some seasons they continue to be the protagonists of our winter looks, I love this floral jacquard one..
Take a look online, you will find lots of cardigans for all occasions.
I remind you that some items are discounted so, take advantage of it..!
I await your comments, I'm curious to know if you already knew this brand and which garment you liked the most..

See you with the next post review

lunedì 7 novembre 2022


Misterioso, intrigante, audace, sto parlando del viola uno dei colori must-have dell'autunno 2022.

Sembra che i colori di tendenza dell'autunno siano nuance forti che non a tutte piacciono.

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Mysterious, intriguing, daring, I'm talking about purple, one of the must-have colors of autumn 2022.

It seems that the trendy colors of autumn are strong shades that not everyone likes.

Peccato, vi confesso, perché è tra i colori che si abbinano meglio. Se pensate che per voi sia troppo strong, non disperate, quest'autunno saranno di grande tendenza anche tutte le sue sfumature fino ad arrivare al lilla.

Too bad, I confess to you, because it is among the colors that match best. If you think it is too strong for you, do not despair, this autumn will also be very trendy all its shades up to lilac.

Come abbinare il viola?

viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym

Il viola si abbina perfettamente con i colori neutri, il panna, il beige, il bianco con il classico nero. Io lo adoro con accostamenti più forti, con il senape, con il verde, con l'arancio e l'azzurro.

Se non amate il total look o se pensate che per voi sia too much, optate per un singolo capo, un maglione, una camicia, una giacca, o un accessorio..

Protagonista delle passerelle e dello streetstyle, nella gallery come sempre ho selezionato per voi alcuni degli outfit più trendy da cui trarre ispirazione..

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Purple goes perfectly with neutral colors, cream, beige, white with classic black. I love it with stronger combinations, with mustard, with green, with orange and blue.

If you don't like the total look or if you think it's too much for you, opt for a single garment, a sweater, a shirt, a jacket, or an accessory ..

Protagonist of the catwalks and street style, in the gallery as always I have selected for you some of the trendiest outfits to draw inspiration from ..

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viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym

viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym

viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym

viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym

viola colore tendenza autunno 2022 come abbinare il viola outfit viola idee outfit viola how to wear purple outfit how to combine purple winter 2022 trend fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers colorblockbyfelym