
lunedì 15 maggio 2023


 L'estate è alle porte, la bella stagione sta per arrivare, non lasciamoci trovare impreparate, da oggi, una serie di post sui must-have dell'estate.

Tutto sulle nuove tendenze primavera/estate 2023

Un grande ritorno del passato, sono sicura che ne avrete tutte almeno uno nell'armadio è il boom tube, ovvero il top a fascia senza spalline, in versione drop top anni 90 o un pò più lungo..


Da indossare in versione sport casual con i jeans, con la gonna in Denim (altro must have di cui vi parlerò nei prossimi giorni) , o in versione più chic ed elegante  magari abbinato ad un paio di pantaloni palazzo.

Le versioni sono infinite, tinta unita o stampato.

Nella gallery, idee  e outfit su come abbinare il boob tube

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

Summer is upon us, the warm season is about to arrive, let us not be caught unprepared, starting today, a series of posts on summer must-haves.

All about the new spring/summer 2023 trends!

A great throwback, I'm sure you'll all have at least one in your wardrobe is the boom tube, or the strapless bandeau top, in the 90s drop top version or a little longer..

To be worn in a casual sport version with jeans, with a denim skirt (another must have that I will tell you about in the next few days), or in a more chic and elegant version, perhaps combined with a pair of palazzo pants.

The versions are endless, plain or printed.

In the gallery, ideas on how to match the boob tube

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

boob tube outfit come abbinare il boob tube idee outfit boob tube tendenze estate 2023 colorblock by feyly fashion blog italiani fashion blogger italiane how to wear boob tube how to combine boob tube boob tube outfit ideas

2 commenti:

  1. Non ho il fisico adatto a indossare questo capo, ma lo trovo molto bello e versatile, penso che coni giusti accessori vada bene da mattina a sera

  2. I have been loving the 90's style jeans that are coming back.
