
giovedì 5 ottobre 2023


 Anche se l'estate ci sta facendo assaporare gli ultimi caldi e colpi di coda, l'autunno, in alcune parti del giorno si fa sentire, scatta la domanda cosa metto?

Vestirsi a strati è ormai un classico; maglioni, giubbotto di jeans, trench, giubbotto di pelle, ma da qualche stagione, uno tra i miei capi preferiti è la giacca camicia, in flanella o velluto.

La trovo perfetta, comoda e versatile, da indossare con i jeans, pantaloni cargo o leggings.

Nella gallery, alcune idee di outfit che hanno per protagonista la giacca camicia, il capo perfetto per l'autunno 2023.

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Even if summer is making us savor the last heat and tailwinds, autumn, in some parts of the day, makes itself felt, the question arises, what should I wear?

Dressing in layers is now a classic; sweaters, denim jacket, trench coat, leather jacket, but for a few seasons, one of my favorite items has been the shirt jacket, in flannel or velvet.

I find it perfect, comfortable and versatile, to wear with jeans, cargo trousers or leggings.

In the gallery, some outfit ideas featuring  overshirt jacket.

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outfit giacca camicia come abbinare la giacca camicia idee outfit giacca camicia how to wear overshirt overshirt outfits ideas women's overskirts outfits colorblock by feyly fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers

outfit giacca camicia come abbinare la giacca camicia idee outfit giacca camicia how to wear overshirt overshirt outfits ideas women's overskirts outfits colorblock by feyly fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers

outfit giacca camicia come abbinare la giacca camicia idee outfit giacca camicia how to wear overshirt overshirt outfits ideas women's overskirts outfits colorblock by feyly fashion blogger italiane Italian fashion bloggers

4 commenti:

  1. Loving these look.

  2. Belle tutte le foto, ma la prima è la mia preferita!!!

  3. I agree that one outstanding feature of the overshirt is that: I have even placed a few more orders with the amount of money that was saved on the law dissertation writing services. I have learned one thing about overshirt: they never fail to complement any outfit!
